Subtle Breach_do city dogs sense thunderstorms?
Suspension. the state of breathing that causes most of the psycho-physical damage in the human body. This state appears whenever there is limited decision-making power, loss of physical stability, fear or extreme acceleration. The speed of life increases, the rules of fashion are rigid, travel, earthquakes, technological improvement, the Internet, work and the human being ... follows in a state of inner chaos.
The pleasures of falling and failing are hidden behind the "online" era in which the human being relies on the idea of "how I should be" instead of "how I am", where only the skin counts, the comfortable surface that suffocates non-verbal language, that doesn't pass through consciousness but directly through the senses, bringing with it the spontaneity that one tries to repress.
The concept of the performance "Subtle Breach_do city dogs sense thunderstorms?" it starts from a long observation of the attitude of the human being in relation to technological devices and how these have the power to suck the attention of the individual, operating mainly from the organs of sight, until it detaches from the body in which it resides. A "defensive and blurred look of our time" is directed towards the two-dimensional beyond the screen, while in society resonates the indifference to the present, of which the body is still part.
Concept and Choreography: Nikita De Martin
Video and lighting design: Virginie Serneels
Sound Design: Paolo Canaglia
Dancers: Irene Maria Giorgi, Fabio Caputo, Nastassia Rottoli